Post by tonecapone on May 2, 2023 18:33:29 GMT -5
I have a farm 24 xl. The lights,tanks, and pump controller were lost in a move. Areo doesn't sell replacement parts which is fairly disappointing. Can I use after market replacement parts that will work with my farms electronics.?
Post by lynnee on May 2, 2023 19:14:55 GMT -5
If it were me, I'd just bite the bullet and replace the Farm 24XL--though I'd buy two Farm 12XLs, because they're more versatile as furniture. If you understand circuit boards, you can wire in lights, etc. There's a guy who does YouTube videos about modifying AGs, but his name escapes me. Maybe someone here will remember? 
Posts: 16,267
Post by Shawn on May 6, 2023 6:57:00 GMT -5
If it were me, I'd just bite the bullet and replace the Farm 24XL--though I'd buy two Farm 12XLs, because they're more versatile as furniture. If you understand circuit boards, you can wire in lights, etc. There's a guy who does YouTube videos about modifying AGs, but his name escapes me. Maybe someone here will remember? 
Hello and welcome..
I echo what lynne said above.